Wednesday, March 21, 2007
(9:28:00 PM)
"I tried to fight this.$BlogItemTitle$>"
Do not hate me just because I kept on staring at you.
First of all, I did not even do that.
And secondly, even if I did, you should be the one asking yourself why the heck was everyone looking at you.
Please recognise what is right and wrong. And for goodness' sake, you were in public.
I hate it when I feel so darn exhausted, la. That one week March break wasn't enough. At all.
I don't know if I've mentioned this 1783940 times, but it is annoying when I have alot of homework.
And I don't know why the heck, of all subjects, most of my homework comes from the easiest one.
Malay, obviously.
Honestly, I think her notes are all unnecessary since everything stated is so merepek and totally commonsensible, la.
And for God's sake, it is Malay language.
I think most of my malay classmates would agree. I am not saying I am so darn good at Malay.
But even my classmates who are pretty weak in the language agrees!
Tsk, I think Cikgu Diana is wasting alot of paper and black ink. Lol!
Nevermind la, she's just a training teacher after all.
I can't imagine Kak Ain teaching my class Malay. Wah, it'll be cool. I think.
This week will be tiring. So will the next be. And the next.
And the one nearing SYF. Oh my god.
I don't know what's gonna happen to my studies.
I am worried, very worried even though I pay attention in class.
I would like to apologise to all classmates, friends.....
for putting on the glum/cranky/stupid look.
I am just not in the mood this month/this year/this decade.
But, I'll be fine la. You'll be seeing/hearing me laughing and singing all the time.
All the covering up is so power, okay.
Yap, thanks for everyone who comforted me today.
To those who pissed me off, shut up.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
(6:15:00 PM)
"So tell me is this fair?$BlogItemTitle$>"
This might look familiar 'cos I've posted this around last year I think.
And this is created by yours truly, so shut that gap.
Things change, no matter how hard you try to stop them from changing.
Sometimes they change for the better, and sometimes for the worse,
but they still change even though you can't help it.
And when they do, you're not always ready to let go or grab on.
Monday, March 19, 2007
(9:10:00 PM)
"You can watch and laugh at me.$BlogItemTitle$>"
I apologise for being such a pain in the ass most/all of the time.
But, now.
It's a sad sad situation.
..And I don't know why.
I've been trying to find whatever that's puliing me under. Or maybe I'm just overreacting.
Blah, I don't know.
Okey, I should shut up.
Michelle, get well soon. I need you during recess.
Rasyiqa, get well soon. We can sing Weak the slower version soon. Lol! (:
Norfi, when the hell are we gonna change our ): to (: ?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
(1:21:00 PM)
"We are cute.$BlogItemTitle$>"
Paparazzi: Yours truly, Irah (:
Featured models: My beloved cute gilerxzhz Norfidiana Norrollah, Nur Rasyiqa Muhd. :D
(12:54:00 PM)
"One wish.$BlogItemTitle$>"
Surprised to see me online on a Sunday morning/afternoon?
Ha, I woke up at 9.
Had breakfast, watch some tv, talked to Bgf when I realised I was just so darn tired for R.E.
So I decided to skip today's since Mama agreed. We all slept at nearly 3, okay.
Yesterday, Kakak Ain fetched Baba at the airport. Mama and I followed. I still think I should sit at the front with Kakak Ain. Mama's making a big fuss about it, not as if she's one driving instructor.
Kakak Ain has passed her driving already la, seh.
We ate at Bukit Batok with my cousins, and it was just not satisfying at all.
After much blabs, we all decided to head down to Bishan, my aunts' house.
And I spent the time there watching A Haunting and watching excessively disgusting videos through Bluetooth.
Anyway, it was kind of a hard time hanging around there when he complaints/whines probably for desperate attention.
So yeah, he got a Psp. Big deal? No, I say.
And he claims he needs a laptop for it since he needs to download all the games and what not.
It tickled Baba and I. So he needs a laptop just for your Psp. WTH! And he keeps whining, he doesn't have the money.
If you know you don't have the money, why whine about all this?
Omg, I was so pissed only my cousins noticed. I had no control of it, I came into the picture.
Irah: Listen. If you sum up the cost of all your phones you have, and snap *snapfingers*, you can get a laptop.
Ugh, my point is, if you do not have the money for anything you long for, then just shut up and save up.
(12:19:00 PM)
"Sexy never left.$BlogItemTitle$>"
I don't have a bleeding clue to why some people have to plagiarize whatever I have created/said/suggested.
Just to name a few, the way I call my bestfriends: Bgf & Bmf.
I don't know why the heck one wants to use that exact initials.
I was way more than just apalled when I saw two people using those exact initials because I know I am the only one who uses it since I created it.
*flame shoots out of my ears*
And and and, all the quotes I've come up by myself like.
"Life's been a bitch and now so am I." / "I'm not a princess, just a royal bitch."
Tsk, some people simply has no sense of originality. Or rather, creativity.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Surprisingly, most of them are my own friends and some are just people I do not know.
Sexy never left , so why is everybody on my shit?
Thursday, March 15, 2007
(8:17:00 PM)
"1000 things.$BlogItemTitle$>"
HI. :D
I went for my check up on Tuesday.
The results were poor. I need more vegetables, stretches/sit-ups, milk.
Blah. =/ By September, I hope my bone will be better.
Lol, that did not sound right.
So anyhow, I've actually updated on Tuesday but Blogger was such a pain in the ass.
Okay, during the check up.
They say I weigh 40.5 kg. (:
And I am 154.9cm.
Whee, I am slowly gaining weight.
And I am still short. Walao, that's depressing.
This holiday is definitely not a plus.
Alot of homework given. Frankly, I think it's annoying and inconsiderate.
It is not a month/year/decade-long holiday and you could give all the homework you want.
At least give lesser since it's only a one week's worth of holiday.
Some people got tons of camps to attend, extra classes, blahblahblah.
So why the homework? Tsk.
I'm glad I'm done with my unnecessary Malay homework.
I'm half-way through with Math.
The rest are probably up to me to decide if I should complete them or not.
On a lighter note, my family has been going out to supper for a couple of times.
And we'd drive along Coastal Road listening to Zan Sofyan @ Ria 89.7 with his Midnight Ghost Stories.
I'd usually end up scaring myself.
Also, I've been talking to these people quite alot during the holidays.
Okay, I need to wake Baba up at 9.
He's going to work, let's go to the airport.
Random giler babi.
Monday, March 12, 2007
(3:16:00 PM)
"You couldn't wait.$BlogItemTitle$>"
I am back from Sec 1 Orientation Camp ~~~
Okay, is there anything in me that you're missing?
Lol, lol.
It was kind of fun instructing class 1/5.
But it wasn't fun at all when they couldn't listen to instuctions and keep on going " har?! har? HARRRRR?! "
That was annoying, like totally.
The most fun thing was the first night, when we all learnt the mass dance.
Gary, Stevan, Markcus, Kailin, Fidy and I were so gilerbabi.
Hahahaha, I was rolling on the floor laughing.
Campfire with Annabelle, Michaela, Peilin and Norfi was fun fun fun.
Norfi and I were the craziest ones screaming.
Peilin should die, so quiet!
Annabelle, Michaela and I couldn't stop laughing.
Though, I personally think last year's campfire was so so so much fun.
Oh well, it was 'aight la.
Throughout the camp, I've been screaming and screaming, cheering and cheering.
Ah, I was born to be a cheerleader la.
I'm glad my throat is not in pain, though I'm losing a little bit of voice.
I still can sing, so no big deal.
Overall, instructing the sec 1 camp was alot of fun even though the sec 1s pissed me off so bad all the time.
I wanna go out, who wants to go out with me!
I wanna eat junkfood.
I want fastfood.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
(9:45:00 PM)
"When it doesn't tickle me.$BlogItemTitle$>"
School is becoming more of a pain in the butt.
That's no joke.
Probably it's because of .................
some human beings, eh?
Let's just put it this way, most of the leassons are getting less interesting day by day.
However, I think I've fallen in love with science, no?
It's probably how the new system/module/whatvershit works.
Bio, Physics, Chem - Different terms, different teachers.
Ms. Seet is so darn cool. Her lessons are not boring, seriously.
Mdm. Liew with her never-ending jokes and chocolates!
Ms. Wai ............ (er? Next term, la.)
Math has always been a pain in the ass. Nevertheless, I always keep trying, okkkkaay!
There was only one good thing which made my day today.
PE with the boys. (:
Wheeeeee. At least this time round I really played. As in, ........... ah whatever la!
This time round, Eugene and Alvin played.
Angeline joined too.
Bolasepak today was fun.
All I needed was your love. love. lovelovelovelooooooooooove.
-Plain White T's!
Sunday, March 4, 2007
(8:40:00 PM)
"Don't fuck that bullshit in your ear.$BlogItemTitle$>"
Sometimes you don't always get what you deserve in football.
I think that was what happened yesterday.
I don't give a fuck whose side was in luck yesterday. Man U won with one goal by O' Shea.
And then there are Man U fans messaging me immediately giving a big HA-HA. That's all they got.
Is that your biggest line in your itty bitty brain?
Typical Man U fans, huh? All they could do is to laugh at us.
Oh hello, I could do much better than that.
Anyway, I am pretty much impressed with Liverpool's defence/possesion definitely throughout the whole match.
And when all the Red Devils' fans brag tomorrow, I'll just hush them down like what Ronaldo did to Kuyt.
Amacam? OK?
Man-of-the-Match was Carragher. (:
And yes!
Harry Kewell's back! He's running again.
Oh. When will it be Garcia's turn?
Someone, please slap me.
Common Test Week.
The horror.
Camp on Friday.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
(4:23:00 PM)
"So little time, so much to do.$BlogItemTitle$>"
I've been waiting for third of March!
The Reds vs. The Red Devils.
Oh well, I just hope My very own Reds could win.
I am so exhausted this week.
And I woke up early on a Saturday morning for a camp briefing for all instructors.
I went to school with Candice. Thanks to Vivian and Angeline for the hash brown!
Er, there was a lot of listening to do. And I had to wait for like 2 hours just to answer nature's call.
Yep, I had alot to listen.
We also taught them the mass dance.
I do not know if I should look forward to the camp or not.
I'm still going la.
It is so irritating when I/we have tons of homework along with projects together and what the fuck , common tests are like so right under my not so pretty nose.
It's annoying.
And like the weekend is like some kinda extremely long holiday.
Hello, we have to study, rest, and religious class la.
Omg, I think I can go crazy living in Singapore. Sometimes I think, we just have to relax and chill a little.
This is so kiasu la, damn it.
I hope I won't turn out like Britney.
Oh anyway, I am like so bloody shit sad for her.
I'm not her number one fan or something but I really really like dancing/singing to her songs like crazy when I was very little.
And the other day, when I heard Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know, I almost felt like crying.
My heart just sank.
Aiy, Britney. Tsk.
Sad, kan?
Oh well, I am glad that I have done my math and bio homework within two hours today. Currently doing a stupid malay project work. I thank God it's an individual one.
I'm left with Art due on Wednesday. It's gonna be a-ma-zing, I tell you.
I love me.
All the best to THE REDS.
Friday, March 2, 2007
(9:53:00 PM)
"Believe Irah.$BlogItemTitle$>"
I think I have been cursed or something.
Every project work, no one wants to be in a group with me and so the teacher has to pick my members for me.
And usually, he/she would pick the ones who would contribute not a single shit.
I hate group work. I really do.
I've been struggling in Math these two days.
I don't like it when the teacher rushes just because most of us got it.
I have the best Math teacher in the world.
But sometimes she's too fast, and my classmates won't say anything about it since they're so smart.
And I obviously do not like to interrupt the class with my questions.
So, I'd usually ask her after the lesson.
It's no use trying to ask my arrogant classmates. It'll be as if I'm talking to the wall.
Trust me.
Maybe they are just so darn better in Math than me, but do they have to be that eajfajsbfjdgbfjgbsdjg.
I hate it when people moan when any teacher gives homework.
I hate it when people "yay" when any teacher gives homework.
Just shut the hell up, can?
Yes, super cranky today.
Alot of homework during the weekend.
As if it's my father's birthday and there's one week holiday.
Yay somemore for homework la.