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Irah RushIt.

17 09 1993
AES 2/1
AES Dance Ensemble.



Content should not be copied or stolen.
This is me and Luis Garcia.
Whether you like it, or not.


September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007


"If you're not going to be nice,
Then be gone."




Designer :D

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

(3:51:00 PM)
"i'd like to make myself clear."

i'd like to make myself clear.

ohh, hello. need i remind you again that today's steven gerrard's birthday?
heh, he might be enjoying while i'm stuck at home doing the project by Ms. Wai.
oh well, i'm glad that i've done whatever i need to! whee!
tomorrow, there's band practice from 9am to 5pm. lunch's provided. i'm glad! ^^
day after tomorrow, there's meeting with Ms. Wai and the rest of my mates, but i can't make it.
bone check-up. *rolls eyes*

i still have not taken my lunch yet. and ohhhh! i missed Oprah today. draaaaats!
oh well, nana's currently in school for math camp. *evil laughter*
dad's currently at west coast recreational centre's billiard saloon. he should be back home soon, i seriously wanna get outta my house. lol, these days, i seriously need to thank Class 95 for accompanying me throughout my time at home! ^^

i'd better get myself some food, snacks, chocolates!

toodles, toodles!


new to view:

in the car!(:

ooooooh. blogger's screwed laaaaaaaaaaah.

i shall post the rest of the pictures here, soon!


(2:32:00 AM)

i've been impatiently waiting.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEVIE G. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today marks the birth of my favourite football player.
you ought to see him in latest adverts!
:- carlsberg & pringles dream team
he's been a great captain for Liverpool.

SHAWN ASHMORE's the ICEMAN; Robert Bobby Drake

he acts in CADET KELLY, too! weeeeeeets. hotstuff, people!

caught the flick at Lot 1 with my familia. all of us haven't caught it, 'cept for ain, the itchy eldest who wouldn't wanna wait.
okay, it was funny, sad, fun, funny, hot and HOT.
i didn't get to enjoy the flick as much 'cause of some inconsiderate parents and their child.
oh you so don't know the situation.
i'm happy enough, i've watched it.
my dad's thirty-five bucks did not go to waste.
supper at West Coast after that.
it's a surprise, how early i've started on my Math Assignment that Ms. Chong gave my class.
haha. hardworking, you may think?
oh whatever.
i CANNOT wait to complete my homework.
''enjoy'' my holidays with familia time, BAND CAMP, BAND PRACTICES.
i'm a happy girl now.
i seriously have to turn in now.
g'night y'all.
or is it g'morning?
oh whatever.
t'dles! <3

Monday, May 29, 2006

(4:35:00 PM)
"all the luck in the world"

all the luck in the world.


[ lol, am i too late? the paper has ended! ]

Sunday, May 28, 2006

(10:16:00 PM)

you can dust it off and try again.
i failed arab terribly.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

(6:54:00 PM)

am i your inspiration?

''your friends, and i, will be there, no matter on which part of the roller coaster.''

remember that! :D



Friday, May 26, 2006

(12:48:00 PM)

your presence still lingers here.
what the hell, why the hell, who the hell, is back?
my ''best friend'' is back? eurgh. i'm juat hoping it'll be over soon! :DD
(if you have no clue of what i'm saying, SHH.)

okay! mid-yr's over. and i've gotten a record book, and here are the results.
jeng jeng jeng.
malay: a1
science: b4
history: c5
visual arts: b4
mathematics: c5
home economics: b4
class position: 11/36
level position: 16/71
( and all my classmates thought i was underweight. -.-'')
attendance: 91/92
conduct: EXCELLENT [:D]
a bubbly and expressive girl, Nadhirah has always been a conscientious worker and a responsible vice-chairperson. she is enthusiastic in learning and carries out her duties diligently. keep up the good work!
wheeeee. i'm definitely satisfied with my class position 'cause i've been one of the weaker students( i think ) , all this while! (:
just need to buck up a little in a few subjects, which i did quite badly.
i'm thinking of bringing my cousins, namely, ika & abang nasri, OUT, today!
lol, but i'm still wondering where to?
see you 'round, sweets! tata.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

(8:52:00 PM)

take a joyride with me.
heh! today was (thanks,alane) superb, eh!
the outing to HealthZone, and all those eating and rotting! (:
okay, 1/1 was such a poor thing. we were the last class to board the bus.
moreover, the bus was almost an hour late! we ended up playing ''007'' with Mr. Tan.
aaaaaaaaaaaaah. how adorable. -referring to the game?-

journey to HealthZone, was spent cam-whoring, singing the piano version of Everytime We Touch ( sang alone, 'cause they weren't familiar of it -.-'' ).

it was fun, fun. the exhibitions, the talk there.. it was all awesome.

and i emo-ed throughout the journey back to school, with that same song. i love it.

english results. aaaaah! Mrs. Gan's comments were: You did pretty okay! heh, i didn't do that well for certain areas, but, it's quite okay! weehee.

after that, it was horrible. my stomach was growling, i was desperate to look for people to eat with at mac. heh, finally, alyanna, kathleen o. and regina decided to accompany me. oh thaaaaaaaank you, sweet things!

i need to turn in, badly! and pack my bags for tomorrow. lessons as usual. and there's band. and i'm signing up for the cluster singing competition, i thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink!


g'night, y'all!


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

(9:54:00 PM)

screw blogger.
hope things will be fine by tomorrow.
health zone, tomorrow.
weets! ^_^

(3:53:00 PM)

Paulfrank is MY friend.
how is this layout?

(2:41:00 PM)

there's always something which gets into my way,
what can i say?
hello, hello! so i'm back from school.
okay i was told that i was supposed to meet up Ms. Wai with the rest of the selected pupils for a project.
okay, i'd meet them up, but seriously, i don't feel like it.
what's the point of meeting up each day when i won't do anything?
i'm really not interested, but at least i've contributed alot, alot of time, and hardwork on the first project, though it wasn't sucessful. -.-''
i'm not complaining. but to think of it? we have just completed out mid year exams.
it's probably time to relax, and chill a lil'. but no, we've got a project to do.
so i haven't met Ms. Wai regarding it yet, but i'm not really looking forward to it.
'cause there's no time, no point. and i won't be sincere when i do all the work.
so yeah, i'll just tell Ms. Wai about it, if i happen to bump into her.
no offence to all my mates! :(
it's seriously warm, agaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiin!
it feels like 34°C!
it's killing me.
it was so cooling in the morning, it was pouring heavily.
and i, being my silly true-self, thought that it was the aircon leaking.
school is quite bad.
shall rate it a C-day. nu-uh! not nice.
results are out. was irritated during recess till end of school.
plans, today?
i'd probably accompany mom and sister to that North West CDC invitation.
and mom's thinking of visiting my aunt at Bishan!
tomorrow, all the secondary ones are going to the Health Zone at Singapore General Hospital.
okay, it sounds fun,fun! no lessons! wheeeeee.
we could bring our own snacks too.
all these, thanks to Mrs. Vincent for organising it!
and get well soon, yeh!
alrighty, shall update later for more.
now, it's time for a cooooooling bath!
'cause stink with this stiiiiiiicckkky sweat!
P.S.: hey! i've found a nice cute paul frank layout that i've been looking for!
hee, should i use it nowww?
one love,
IRAH! :(
it's a long entry, and i'm loving it! give my blog some love! (:

Monday, May 22, 2006

(9:58:00 AM)
"you've pierced an arrow through my heart."

you've pierced an arrow through my heart.
g' morning y' all!(:
it's pretty funny how i'm still feeling sleepy! -.-''
nevermind that, ooh, looks like i am the first to wake up.
dad's left for Perth.
nana's left for school:- her intensive mother tongue programme.
time for private blog now.
'' should i stay,
or should i go ? ''

Sunday, May 21, 2006

(10:49:00 PM)

i just can't take it anymore.
just came home from dinner/supper with my parents and grandparents at sembawang. and oh yeah, there was a lot of eating to do. i sat there, had a cup of pepsi and technically enjoyed looking at other people eating while the rest of singaporeans are enjoying the second Singapore Idol auditions this year.
i'm pretty glad that there's no school for me tomorrow 'cause i really need a break from seating in that stupid old chair in the classroom. lol, i've done that for years, and i'm getting bored of it.

yeah! i can't wait to wake up early in the morning tomorrow and watch tons of programmes on tv that i've missed while i've been in school all this while! but, there's just a teeny little problem, which is my eldest sister. she could hardly get that tv remote control off her hands. heh.

alright. i should turn in for now!

g'night y'all! :D

(7:25:00 PM)

tomorrow just might be your perfect day
oh, hello. sorry for updating stupid, dumb, boring entries these days.
but reaaally, i am bored.
have been going out alot lately, with my parents.
this means one thing, i could hardly get myself anything, well, except FOOD.
and so i return home, each time, feeling bloated:- a very happy girl.

i just came back from woodlands civic centre with my mom and dad. again, to shop. my mom bought this embroidered blouses/kebaya from india. hmm. interesting.

any plans tomorrow? well, nothing is on my mind, really. if i'm free, probably, i'd be going to the library to get some books to read for reading period. and i wonder why people hate that period? well, you get to take in that early morning's fresh air once in a while and read? well you've got a choice..

sit down and read, or run ten times on the field. hee.

currently, just a happy girl, psyched up to watch singapore idol. and have you heard? mr. dzuhri went for the auditions! lol, i couldn't believe it till i saw the adverts! yeaaah. i was laughing like hell when lydia told me that he was on tv!

irah: hah? mmmmr. dzuhri? singapore idol?!

and i burst into tears of pain in the tummy, laughing! (:

oh well, see you soon.

tata! :D

(3:07:00 PM)


Friday, May 19, 2006

(10:11:00 PM)


(9:46:00 PM)

i'm running out of titles.

first of all,
happy belated birthday,gerri! (:
all those memories with you are still kept here, kay?
secondly, i've caughtmission impossible III.
gee, it was one hell of a movie! suspense, action andheh, alot of tom cruise!

last, but not least!
mye is finally OVER!

heh, it has been pretty hectic, crazy and (depressing may i add?) lately.
all the exams, studying, PLUS! accompanying my friends to shop. -.-''
went home empty-handed, each time.
but at least i got free lunch, a cute water bottle.
all thanks to vivian, vanessa, cleomine.

today was fun shit. alot of waiting to do, rotting too. breakfast with natasha and brenda.
currently feeling bored at home.
tata! :D

i love zac efron and jesse .. plus hotcandy, of course.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

(9:06:00 PM)

buttons and temperature.


listening to 987 is hell fun! (:

(5:52:00 PM)

running to the finishing line

okay, i can't wait. english paper tomorrow, and home econs the day after. - and that'll be the last paper for mye! yabba dabba duh!

and yes, i can go anywhere i want to. anyone up for town? anyone up for tv?
i don't care even if i'd end up stuck at home. 'cause what matters most is, mye has ended!
weeets. and i'll be bloody glad that my friends will continue to update their blogs.

currently resting. tuning into 987.


(12:50:00 PM)

it was a scar that i couldn't cover with plasters or bandages

last night was terrible.
(refer to my private blog)

today's paper.
math paper two.
wow, it was average.
it was a surprise how i took time and managed to complete almost all the questions sucessfully.
i thought it was gonna be a head-scratching paper.

after the paper, went to mac with dominic.
he's good looking according to many seniors,
but he's a spoilt brat, such a pain in the ass.
lol, it sounds like me.
well, whatever.
we went to seperate ways:-
dominic with aldrich&gang.
me with my sister&gang.

i ate, rotted. and i'm back home, here.
happy to talk to lydia.

i hate you./

tata :D

one last?

Monday, May 15, 2006

(5:25:00 PM)

i can't wait any longer

aaaah! i hate exams. i hate mye! -.-''
well, everyone does. it's unfair, okay. almost all of my friends from other secondary school has freakingly completed their mye. some schools like scgs don't even have mye. lol, they have class tests but .. i don't know if it's recorded.

thanks all for wishing me all the luck for mye. i really need it! okay, i guess you guys get the picture. i don't have to rattle on it too much, now. history was pain in the ass, that's all i can say.
three more papers! i'm exhilarated! maths paper two tomorrow, english paper 2, home econs.

for the love of irah, end mye! >.<

i don't have to study for english paper two. :D whaddyu expect? the paper consists of three comprehension. just need practices. :P

cleomine, vanessa, vivian came over to my crib just now. studying math. o.O

OOPS, looks like i've got to go back with my studying.
tata! :D

(5:15:00 PM)

lucks for your O's (:

Sunday, May 14, 2006

(10:52:00 AM)

happy birthday
best wishes!
all the luck in the world in your future endeavours!
thanks for being the friend who's been by my side 24/7.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

(5:00:00 PM)

nobody ever made me feel this way


alright, it's pathetic. i am effingly exhausted after almost three hours, studying history, having my ass stucked onto the hot seat listening to ryan seacrest on america top 40.

what a bummer! i spent almost two hours on a chapter. pathetic, but at least i got something inside my head.

okay, no fair. dad's in Paris! eldest sister's having fun off her butt with her classmates while nana, mom and me are stuck at home. mom is ironing, nana and me, studying.

yay, Lydia's online!


tata! :D

(2:11:00 PM)

it's a surprise.
'cause i'm mugging.
have a good day, y' all!

Friday, May 12, 2006

(11:06:00 PM)

stupid cupid
it's interesting to see other girls caught up in stupidity. haha!
and so, i've gotta admit i enjoy listening to Pink's Stupid Girls.
it's pretty interesting how she attacks modern-day role models like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan on her music video.
well, i seriously think that the mindlessness among teenagers today are caused by mostly america's obsession with celebrities. ooops!
oh well, i seriously think that the definition of ''stupid'' is wasting the opportunity to be yourself.
isn't that right? most ah lians in singapore and girls everywhere are trying their very best, putting in their efforts to be just like what they see on tv and magazines. lol.
however, personally, i don't think any young hollywood stars are stupid. it's all an act lah.
it makes you less challenging as a female to act really cute. don't you think so?
oh yah, sure. Pink's a high-school drop-out. hey, but still, at least she's brave enough(ishouldsay) .. to deliver such a message in her song, and the video.
so.. who ya' callin' stupid now?
interesting entry, okay! :D

Thursday, May 11, 2006

(11:52:00 PM)

i'm desperate.
for an awesome blog layout.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

(8:38:00 PM)

perfect ten's
i love listening to him.
i love watching him.
have you seen that carlsberg advert?
how adorable! i go hubbba-hubba each time i see him.
he sways.
he swings.
he's my fave!
he's michael buble!

(8:20:00 PM)

adorable devils.
i love angeline.
these days were fun and crazy, sitting beside you.
i declare you my fave person in CLASS 1/1!

(12:49:00 PM)
"sorry seems to be the hardest word"

sorry seems to be the hardest word
hey y'all (:
it has been a long time since i've updated, and went online.
oops. i'm so sorry.
i was busy studying each day after school and my internet connection turned upside down.
hence, i couldn't afford to blog, and go online.
but, at least i'm back.
though mye's have not ended, i do not dare to declare myself on short hiatus.
i will try to update whenever i'm freeeeeeeeeeeeee.
studying at the library,towning here,shopping here. it has all been fun.
vanessa, thanks for being another sweet suga in my life.

Saturday, May 6, 2006

(9:46:00 AM)

no one wants this to happen
i was utterly shaken by the news i heard from my mom and nana.
take care and get well soon, rahmah.
this couldn't have happened if he had brains.
he could have thought about the consequences that she will face.
he only said sorry.
get well soon, warrior.

Friday, May 5, 2006

(4:33:00 PM)

thwacked, crazy, nuts, delirious, berserk (whatelse?)
hello, there.
how's the title, y'all? nice isn't it! lols.
i love it.
it was a nice day in school. and even though lessons were such a bore,
i tried to make it crazyy and fun, fun! whee.
the vice-chairperson, irah, took the classroom keys and rushed to the class.
irah locked herself, kim, eugene and terence in while the others were still pathetically waiting for irah to open the door.
i opened the door in burst into unbearable laughter and tears, too.
i was lucky that they were used to my craziness and laughed.
weeeeeeets. it was a good start of the day.
reading period was sucha' pain in the ass, it was raining by then, i suppose.
and i was this close to falling asleep. lols.
and i was revising science again.
hope i didn't miss anyone out, 'cos god, there were really alot of people at my table.
oops, i meant the table i was seating at.
class contact time was spent listening to mrs. gan's childhood story.
it was interesting to listen and visualise her journey to make it to NIE, and then a teacher.
and i still remembered, mrs. gan said i'd make a diplomatic teacher.
it was something i did in english, if i'm not wrong.
it means using or marked by tact and sensitivity in dealing with others.
after school.
dominic, vivian, cleomine
we ate at long john silver.
and back home now.
a few minutes later, i'm probably gonna hit the books.
i need to mug now.
mug real hard.
i've got math, science, history to study this evening.
" if you wanna live your life, live it all the way
don't you waste it. "
that's why i smile and laugh always.
" life goes on,
and it's only gonna make me strong. "
- leann rimes.

Thursday, May 4, 2006

(7:00:00 PM)

lovely day
happy birthday, linda! ((:

i was feeling very tired in the morning. 184 as usual. bumped into aldrich again.
walked and talked about usual stuff.
early mornings are cheered up by vanessa,cleo,anisia,geneva. (: they're really sweet when you get to know them better.

the english paper was okay. had my recess for an hour! (: WHEE. had my daily dose of kinder bueno and a drink. chatted with bren&nata. weeeets.

math was horrible. gaaah, the class was super duper restless. ms. alexander was having alot, alot of difficulties settling them down.
but, i suppose i was the hero today. lol, i kinda made the class settle down. go irah!((:
oh yeah, it is ms. alexander's last day teaching us today! and oh boy, am i happy!

finally, she gave returned our math file. let's see what she has to say about my work.
ms. karen alexander :
1. Good work!
2. You are extremely neat and conscientious in your work
3. Keep on smiling! , Nadhirah!
(i've always been drawing smileys at the end of my work. she likes it.)

(written in my Math Book I) weets! i was extremely glad. heh!
grammar. ms linna allowed us to do our self-revision. i did math for a little while, did the revision worksheet she gave. and scribbled on a writting pad on how much i love
it's hot and delicious. i love it.
english was extremely pain in the ass. lol. =P
i did pay attention.
but i was thinking of hotcandy on the other side of my brain.
craving for it. (:
after school was fun fun fun.
eugene, kim and me were walking outta school, heading for plaza to study.
and then i saw my lovelies.
cleo,vanessa,vivian,geneva <3
we ate at KFC, thanks for the treat, kim!
after that to the library.
only vanessa, vivian and i were really studying.
i didn't know what the rest were doing, though.
it was really a greaaat time studying with them.
to vnv(: ; don't get too stressed up! tc!
i like.
currently listening to shakira, shakira!
hips don't lie, baybeh!

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

(3:32:00 PM)

(what you looking at)

lol. i was awfully bored while taking a break from revising.
i decided to take photos.
english tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

(8:28:00 PM)
"screwed up (part II)"

screwed up (part II)

i have no idea what's gotten into me! lol. i made my very own bloody day, and am proud of myself. weeets! ^^ thick-skinned. nevermind.
i pathetically thought that both Malay and English papers are on tomorrow.
dumb (o.O) .. yes, it is. i blame Mrs. Gan! she told the whole class it's tomorrow.
lalalalalalala. i told Alyanna* about it. oh boy, silly me, thinking about the old-primary-school-examinations-system. LOL. =PP though, i really miss those days... ):

anyways, i finally got a part of the stationeries i need. i'm satisfied. VERY.
Malay Paper tomorrow, wheeeeeeeeeeees. pretty excited, baybeh.
i seriously wanna get distinctions for both paper, as expected from Cikgu Sarimah.

much love,
irah. <3
P.S.: gah, i'm fretting. i seriously need to mug hard for mye.
i really wanna do well.
eng: go irah. malay: irah boleh! mandarin: jiayou, irah!

(7:52:00 PM)
"screwed up."

screwed up.

I'm totally screwed up with my mom!
I totally don't understand what's on her mind now!
All I showed her was a piece of paper, with the stationeries I've been desperately wanting written.
And ..
Mom: I only told you to buy the ''blanco'', not any other rubbish. ( and rolled her eyes at me )Me: [ I was so fuming mad, I've forgotten what I've said.]
It's not as if I've asked her for a thousand dollars to buy a bag or something! In fact, my cellphone, new adidas tote, it's all on My Very Own Money.

It's written absolutely neatly, and I even classified all the stationeries by which I needed them urgently and not.See for yourself, okay. I even took a pix of it. I'm really a neat person. All my teachers are impressed. [Intention: NOT TO BRAG, BUT TO EMPHASISE.]

Gotta go back with the stupid studying for tomorrow's mye.
All the best ya' all.

Much Love,IRAH.

taken from my private blog. too lazy too blog about today, here.

Monday, May 1, 2006

(9:42:00 PM)

i almost died of shock.

this is a testimonial from my malay language classmate to my friend.

syairah 04/29/2006
ThAnKs AdD
AcTuAlLy Me AnD cOmpAnYaRe SoRrY fOr ThE dItUrBaNcE aT mCdOnAlDs
To TeLl YoU tHe tRuThMe AnD cOmPaNYhAtE
NaDiRaH dOeS NoT mIX arOunDwIth ThE mAlAy PuPiLsThAt eXplAins WhY mAnYmAlAyS dIsLiKes HeR!
gTg nOw SeE yOu At SkOoLpEaCiNg OfF....sYaIraH...

the one who wrote this testi, isn't even close to me.
how the hell would she know i am not close to my malay friends?
i have Lydia, Afifah, Ma'Mun and a full list of it.
nice testi, i must say.