finally. it was time for me to get out of the house alone.
so yeah! i finally got to go out. but it was only for a while. i was at bukit panjang plaza to buy a christmas present.
so yeah. most of the renovation are done. and more shops which makes it look just a little cooler. haha.
i then headed for home as i was alone ! and of course, bored !
yesterday. went for christmas gathering with:
victoria. joselin. wynne. an song. zhi hao. jonathan. guo jie.
we spent time at the arcade and of course! KINGKONG!!
yeah. DAVINA recommended me that movie.
yeah. i cried like so many times. ho god. my heart sank at almost every sad & violent scene.
davina was right again.
the movie was good. excellent.
i give the producers,creators,directors 5 STARS.
well. just a note to my MOMMA. that 7 bucks didn't go to waste,okayy.
the movie was:
it was another sad case when they tried to bring KINGKONG to new york and hang on a stage ?!?!
and. i like the last part very much. i was touched.
fyi , i sat beside guo jie. - which isn't such a bad thing.
he was a good , plump company.
cried & laughed along with me.
so i shouldn't tell you more about the movie cus i expect you to catch it yourself.
after the movie. they all went to the arcade. well. i was bankrupt by then. MOMMA only gave ten bucks. which i didn't say anything much.
at least it's enough for me to watch the movie. i didnt eat anything.
was famished.
i decided not to go to the arcade with them. i hate it laa.
so i decided to window-shop ALONE.
and open up the prezzies.
i would like to thank VICTORIA!!!
she gave me what i've always wanted!
a happy house book. and gosh. it's nice.
i like joselin's present. a necklace.wood type? don't know howtta describe that. but it's so nice.
thanks guys.
called DAD to pick me up while he was with his best bud , SNOOKER.
we went to causeway point to get AIN'S cellfone.
it's what i almost wanted. haha. but no! it is quite nice laa. designer fone , sei.
but. DAD will be buying me N6111! yayy!
went back home. grandparents were there. and we sent them back home.
so yea.yesterday was quite a bomb. fun.
today. left momma and me. hope i could see nazhiif teday! =)
one more thing. i was surprised VINA is currently studying. so guai !
nana's out. hurmph. i thought i wanna go out today.
well. for me. it's footloose today. do anything as i please at home. hehe.
ho god. i think izdihar's craziness was indeed too high till almost everyone's disconnected from MSN. the system was said to be BUSY.
IZDIHAR. i blame you. jk ~
okay. i have to get back to MSN for now. izdihar agreed that her craziness was a lil too high for MSN. heex!