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Irah RushIt.

17 09 1993
AES 2/1
AES Dance Ensemble.



Content should not be copied or stolen.
This is me and Luis Garcia.
Whether you like it, or not.


September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007


"If you're not going to be nice,
Then be gone."




Designer :D

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

(5:21:00 PM)
"aiy.go away lehx"

aaarrrr. hate it when the best friend's here. aieeeee. it has been pretty long laas. it's still not leaving.god.

i want to post another entry for today cus today is a very boring day. sisters spending their time lazing around,sleeping. aiy. nothing better to do i guess.

i wonder why char has to log off so early. and leave me sian here.
currently chatting with my best malay bud!! izdihar. hee!
she's reading fan fiction again. just like xinyi. i love shujing's fanfic.
it's so. unique and interesting!

last night.chatted with mr seah and mr phang. they're in hong kong.
they said it was a nice flight. haa. told them it'll be cool.

it'll be 2 more years for me to board the airplane. humph!
next year.won't be travelling.we just travelled this year and what's more.
sister's taking her o's.

so we'll be flying the year after next. hmm. london ?

of all the contacts who are online. izdihar's the best to chat with. and of course. her gossips are all on the low. what a gossiper. secrets between us. ;)

for now. looking forward to. 6th december. joselin's end of year party and a movie to catch. 21st december. which will be darren's concert. i'll be singing with char ! =) 22nd december. results!! aes!!

aieee. will be interesting and funn! rocking.

okay laas. that's it for today.still hope dad has things stored for us today.


ps: i'm missing all my friends already. i've been chatting with char.i still miss her!
i miss ellis more. where is she?

(2:45:00 PM)
"new skin. new song."

new skin. new song. i love it. thanks to char && darr for helping out through this process.

by the way. the best friend is still not leaving! eurgh. hate it! oh wells. guess i just need to wait for her to go then. haaas! okay. dad's back. and he thought the posting results were on yesterday.
that was the day i have to submit my form, duh!

this song is so cool. and nice. of course. my favourite girl group. Pussycat Dolls, Stick With You.
their songs are fabulous. sway,don't cha.

love those dolls. adorable voices.
they remind me of swv. sisters with voices. and old band. they've got a particular song that i love. forgotten the title!
by the way ! this photo is taken during the first day of hari raya. we were all on our traditional costumes. and all excited to get our colourful hong baos. it doesnt have to be green as what most people thought. hmm. on the picture are two of my bestest cousin.
the left one is 12 years old, like me!
the name's Khairunnisa or just Nisa.
the center. heex! of course. me in green.
the right one is 11 years old.
the name's Kartika or just Ika.
we're all in Baju Karung in Sari Silk.
their's are in white while mine is in green.
= )
this hari raya rocks!

okay. hari raya is nearly over. but christmas is coming!! wwwoooooo. you don't really have to be a christian to celebrate christmas. well i heard frm a christian. christmas is acutally about giving. that's why we receive christmas prezzies. well it doesnt matter what's the present, what's in the wrapped parcel. cus it's all about giving. and it's the thought that counts. =)

so christians friend out there. heex! you might not know you just might receive a wrapped parcel from me at your doorstep. maybe , if i still have money to afford. or i could just send you guys an e-mail. that'll be okay too. it's the thought that counts, right.

so i guess this wraps up my entry.

deepavali , hari raya , christmas.

all at one go!


Saturday, November 26, 2005

(2:10:00 PM)
"has been quite a while"

it has been a while

okay. i know it has been quite a while since i've updated you guys with a proper entry. school holiday starts. and dad has alot of things stored for us. like everyday. psle results has been quite okay. the aggregate i've expected has been already obtained. express stream. yes.yes. thank you. express stream is all i've ever wanted. it'll be a waste if i get into normal acad stream and spend another 5 years in secondary school. i might as well just spend 4 year course in secondary school.

good for char and wyn. they've achieved what they wanted. good for them.choose you schools wisely ! ;)

i really can't wait for the 22nd next month. till then i'll find out which school i'll be in for the next 4 years. hmm. i really wanna be in the school that i want. and of course. it's my sister's school. haha. easy that way.

okay. God willing. I will get into her school. heex!
aieee! will be so great.

alright. dad's off to melbourne for the next 3 days.
aieeee. no going out. hurmph ~ boring ~

so , you people out there better go online and chat with me. especially char and darr ! hahas.

okay. this entry shall end here.

cheers !

the circle of three. char. rah. lis.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

(7:43:00 PM)
"a must see/ read entry"

photos uploaded. a must read / see entry !

took this when mrs j. lim was comforting me and char. of course. i wasn't in the photo when i took it.

it brings me to tears when i look at this picture. well im sure char agrees.

charrahlis. it isnt in order. but hell. who cares.
irah , char , lis.
charrahlis rocks forever.

dramamama , dramaqueen , bitch of the year ( woof! )

let's not forget my best bud.
joselin !!

she's great. she's powerful !! won't forget her even though we had the bad and good times together.

mrs orton & dramamama


the singer

my drama queen.

charlotte wang ziwei.


the actor

drama mama

nadhirah abdul rashid



bitch of the year

ellis yip shi qi


Saturday, November 19, 2005

(1:33:00 PM)
"will never forget the people who made my life brighter"

will never forget the people who made my life brighter


if you guys would like to know. these are the people who makes my life complete.

mrs lee.mrs j. lim.mr seah.mrs loh.mdm ellianie.

yes. i totally love them. <3

i have sent them my mails to show them that i really love and care for them.
maybe i might not have the time to mail each and everyone of them.
but im sure. they KNOW. that i will be there for them always.
they wont forget me. and i wont forget them.
they make my life complete.
and i wanna thank them for that.
we've been together in zhenghua for like 6 yrs.
it's not easy to part.
we're moving on.
like mrs j. lim said. there may be better things or better future ahead of us.
and so dont be that upset.

yes.it's not easy.
but as we move on. we'll realise that we'll miss each other.
and we can still keep in contact.
we can organise gatherings & stuff like that.
it will be sweet and memorable.

this entry is mainly for them. the people that i wont forget EVER.
for the rest whom i didnt mention. you all make my life complete too. you were there for me when i needed you. but these are the people. that i truly love and trust.

so readers. now you know. my friends and i have a hard time to part frm each other.
it has been 6 wonderful years. you light up my life.
if you need anything.
just call my name, and i'll be there.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

(9:47:00 PM)

the past two days. the days to remember. graduating.
so now i realised that graduating frm pri sch isn't that easy as I thought it was.
it was tough and harsh. it was happy doing something for mdm lee as a drama club.
mdm lee cried when we sang Together and Auld Lang Syne. Hah. I cried backstage.

Well in the end of the concert. I went HIGH singing the songs. i wanted to cheer up a lil'.
It was time to get with the rehearsals. I cried that time. It was so stressful. Loads of pressure under us. Sickening. One person kept ordering me here and there. Yes. Of course I was pissed.
Damn that person. And the other person kept searching for people's mistakes. I cried. I was really angry.

It was time for a break. till then. char and i have just realised that it's our last day as a sch there.
we cried. tears ? more than a pail of it. serious. mrs j. lim comforted each of us. also mr seah and ms goh. i took only a picture of mrs j. lim and char on that moment. then we went to the toilet to refresh ourselves up. we laughed about the whole thing. we realised that we were silly till mrs j. lim told that we're silly to cry. haha.

but seriously. like what mrs j. lim has said. it's all mixed up. pressure + stress frm the musical and feelings for leaving the sch and mdm leaving. so it's alot to handle.
it was uncontrolled.

charrahlis took a very quick photo when i had to leave for my backbone check-up. hee.
mr seah treated drama club for pizza. i only at the a drumlet and a slice of garlic bread. was better than nothing, right.

exco took photos. not exactly WHOLE exco. but it was rather satisfying. got all the signatures down. pple shld be honoured to sign on my card. my card isn't full. haha.

BTW. the backbone checkup. nothing major. phew. thank god. but i have to keep on swimming and excercising. anyone to join?


Monday, November 14, 2005

(6:43:00 PM)
"how was it?"

my performance. i need to say it turned out okay. wasn't that bad.

me? oh. i was bad enough.
yeah. you sure do know what i mean.

hansel and gretel. it was quite disappointing when these two lead casts weren't very expressive. especially the part .. " oh father ! father ! save us ! save us ! "
of course i don't expect you to be as dramatic and pathetic like me [ =p ] , but have you ever heard of expressive? cast one is of course always better. eurgh. can we be fair and equal ?

cast 2. all the best if you ever have to perform again.

enough about the musical. last day of school is coming. okay. yipee yay yay. cooL.
time to take autographs,messages,photos of each other. graduation thinggy. you know, the usual stuff when you graduate.

aaahh. it seems so fast. 6 years in Zhenghua. haha. may or may not have been a pleasure.
of course, there were ups and downs. **sweatsweat** farewell to all my lovely friends and of course, darlings ** charrahlis **. we've come this far together, it has been a long journey.
6 years with you guys are such a pleasure. not forgetting the Student EXCO Team.
i love you guys !! the other student leaders, people who have / had been there. thank you so much. also farewell to my principal, mdm lee who's leaving zhenghua soon. yesyes.
all the teachers. have a pleasant time with ya students in the new zhenghua. yes.

i guess this wraps my entry. bye!

will miss you guys, okay !!


Saturday, November 12, 2005

(5:03:00 PM)
"it's on MONDAY !"

okay. it's been a long time. and now. on monday , it's the real thing. on monday. i'm performing 3 times. every cast has got the chance to do thrice on that day. so it's quite exciting. cus no more rehearsals. it's the big thing already.

yesterday. got a trophy. yesyes. my class won basketball - champion and soccer 4th.
and we're the only class who has all the students saying thank you. didn't realise it till mdm lee mentioned though. so it was quite overwhelming.

today. a day off. whoever wants to come for a visit to my house. please make your way here immediately. i am thinking of.. eating later at KFC. wiht my own money since the collection on hari raya is pretty BIG. heex ]]

so currently. chatting with CHAR without LIS. ohh. yap. LIS is back frm aust. yay. goooddyy
CHARRAHLIS reunited.

reunited and it feels so good. hee.

char && rah are the narrators. lis is currently playing the violins.

just hold on tight. cus... the best musical you've ever had will be coming you way.

cheerss !

Sunday, November 6, 2005

(5:36:00 PM)
"i'm getting jaded and NO. i just can't take it anymore."

okay. i'm not going out to anywhere today. dad's on standby. so what we usually do is.. call people up to come. well my aunt came as early as after dzuhur.
the others were.. well we were expecting them to be present on a certain time. but instead.
they take their own sweet time. yadayada. finally. they came.
crap and talk. crap and talk. and they're off. so fast. -.-
we all at home , sian ehh. [ how's my broken english ]

my sisters are now asleep. rather strange? they're bored. what is better to do?
like Jennifer Love Hewit's Barenaked.

" i'm getting jaded and NO. i just can't take it anymore. "

yes. i seriously can't take it anymore. but lucky. we're expecting a few guests more.
my eldest cousing is coming again !! to kill our boredom. goody.

i'm currently spacing out , lazing around , tuning in with RIA.
school ? tomorrow ? really don't feel like it even though i'm looking forward to something at school. haaa. one good news la. like my friend , afiq , said i can still indulge in my school canteen's food this two weeks. while the sec students have started their holiday. so i won't be rather thirsty when narrating for the musical rehearsal. yay char !!we could put drinks beside us like what mrs j. lim has said. so you're quite right la , afiq. maybe it isn't so bad to attend school when it's still hari raya.

okay. this sucks laa. the intro for this dikir barat on the radio now sucks. the chorus is da BOMB.
what crap or shit am i talking here? sorry people. very bored. aaa. this is what happens when you don't go out and visit here and there during hari raya. aaahhhh.

sorry if i need to repeat this again. but i can't wait to see the narrator's outfit which they said was nice. wooo. now that's why mr seah wouldn't wanna tell me how it looked like. hee.

okay. as you guys know..hari raya. i get hong baos too right !! okay..the total sum of money is pretty big for a two day visit here and there. hee. cool cool laa.

one more issue. i think friendster's getting boring laa. they're trying to put new stuffs like who viewed our profile and yadayada. yucks. it's no use laa. so bored. regretted having a friendster account. aa. all i can say to friendster is. good luck laa eh.

yay. finally a good rock song on the radio. not really heavy rock. it's allllll gooooooood.
i'm trying to choose what school for next yr. easy la. my sister's school. yaya. i know my friends' would say " eeee. don't chose that one because.... "
let me make YOU think. which school doesn't have the bad pupils ?
which barrel doesn't have any rotten apples ?
there must be at least 1 which is rotten. well can you name one school which has perfect pupils who don't hate their teachers , flame them.. and follow their instructions very carefully? for god's sake , dude..

and i believe even though there may be alot of rotten apples inside a barrel. i'm sure that the other apples won't get easily rotten with the good support of the barrels.

the other pupils will carry on to do good things if the school has a good name. not all schools have a good name. sometimes we do, sometimes we don't. am i making any sense? well , indeed i think i am.

all schools in singapore provide the most sufficient learning sources and yada yada.
it's just the pupils that makes it different. so. even though if you go to such a " bad " school, the most important thing is that..you can STILL STUDY. am i right to say this ?

so i don't see why i can't go to my sister's school. it's quite easy to go to express stream. she ended up in the first class of express. i don't see the reason why i can't go to that school.
YOU COULD SEE the rotten apples of that school. i could see too. but it's okay if i am NOT like them and never will become a rotten one. i just want to choose a school where i could study PEACEFULLY.

respect the PEACE. PEACE OUT , yah.

[ woo. that was one hell of an entry. my fingers are SORE. ]

;;; peace ;;;

Saturday, November 5, 2005

(10:44:00 AM)

okay. i didn't attend school yesterday. woke up with much headache and oh-so-giddy feeling.
nauseous. yesyes. i slept after i showered.

when i woke up. i didn't realise that it was 1 plus. so i get up and washed my face.
and have a nice lontong for brunch.

my uncle came to give my mom some ketupat. he brought along aishah. hee. my baby cousin.
oh so cute ! and she's wearing a nice dress. i'll try to upload the photo after hari raya here, aight !
so fun laa. then i sort of karaoked with her. heex.

the afternoon, we spent time making ketupat, karaoke and spacing around. there wasn't much to do. dad's overseas. kak ain's away at orchard lib. so what else can the three of us do?
my aunt was so hopeful that we could go out with her. sorry. it would be much better if we go out with her with a complete family. guess that's what Hari Raya is all about ? hee. what crap. >

so today. nana is off at Ngee Ann Poly to have a meeting. once she gets back. we will be OFF to visit some people's house for Hari Raya. Now that's what hari raya is all about yah.

today? while waiting for her. i shall karaoke. chat on MSN. yadayada. the usual.

i realised that when i didn't come to school. there's so much to know. and i missed quite a lot during the musical rehearsals. the outfits came in. heard the witch's and narrators' costumes were the BEST. well i hope so. yippeee.

however. even though i was left behind. wynne updated me with alot of information. she told me about the finals the rehearsal. like what was going on and stuff. aaa. i then felt alot better.
well i'm not left behind anymore. thanks alot wynne. love you ! haha. she said her outfit wasn't nice. while others said it was. haha. i kinda comforted her on her boots. she said she might bought the wrong ones. with my special comfort, wynne then realised ..so long it looks like boots to her. they are boots. haha.

okayyy. so now. end of entry. see you ! cheers !

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

(6:06:00 PM)
"SYAWAL MENJELMA. hari raya's drawing."

SELAMAT HARI RAYA !!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. today's the last day of fasting.
as many would now. of course im excited. and what's more ? my grandma's discharged from tts hospital !! woohoo.

hee. what am i wearing ? my sister's baju kurung that i've worn before. but the top and bottom will be from different outfits but still nice. hee. so cousins out there. just hold on there and you'll see me and my sister's in ordinary but beautiful baju kurung.

hmm. okay. about to break ym fast in about 40 mins time now. hee.
today. was quite a good day in sch. i was cheering for the semi's with charlotte. probably those at the hall could hear me cheer. im like the loudest. cheerleader? yepyep. proud to be one. heex.

my OWN cheer.

" i say 6v , you say , 6d .. [[ 6v ! 6d ! 6v .. ]] "

" i say 6v , you say win win .. [[ 6v ! win win ! ]] "

ridiculous BUT cute , nice and original.

the house is more or less prepared and nice. tonight till 3 am will be watching tv. suria channel's full with back to back concerts and hari raya shows. woo wweee. cooL.

can't wait for tomorrow. cramm chocs. hee. mua ferrero and kinder. aaaaaaaa. let's indulge late at 6 - 50.

for all muslims , selamat hari raya [ eid' mubarak ]

dalam suci lebaran , ku rindukan sinar dan harapan
anak kecil berlari , jangan sampai hanyut tak bertali
miskin kaya tua muda , bermaafan
di bawa sayu nya gema takbir hari raya
senyum tawa sanak saudara
mengwanginya bunga rasa
ku syukuri nikmat Tuhan , Maha Esa.
;;; [ Siti Nurhaliza ]
--- Mekar Di Hari Raya